Friday, May 7, 2010

Assignment 1 Blues

Feeling a bit down :(
Not overly thrilled with Assign One results as I thought that I'd done so much research and invested a lot of time, and yes lost a LOT of sleep and definately some potentially good social times. How did I MISS so badly in one of the key areas?
I really appreciated the feedback as it was very succient and in one particular area fairly direct in outlining the weaknesses in my essay. Having to cop it on the chin is a great learning experience. Made me think about the kids at school and how we constantly provide both written and verbal, feedback re bhr, work samples etc and the subsequent effects that they have on their confidence and attitude to learning.

I was honestly re evaluating my decision to embark on this journey as it has impacted so greatly on not only me but my family and then I read the Assign 2 Forum where another student shared her feelings of disappointment . The response by KW (not sure whether I should use names here) was FANTASTIC! Its about putting everything in perspective, picking yourself up, dusting off and trying again!
So that's what I am going to try and do. My best is my best. AT the very least I am really proud to say I'm giving it a go and I am DEFINATELY learning new and exciting things (even if perhaps I'm not the best at imparting this new found knowledge via assignments!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brid, I know what you mean- I have doubts about my sanity all the time! People keep asking me why I am bothering - why put myself through it? I know I've asked myself the same questions over the last few weeks and I guess the answer is that what I'm doing isn't quite enough for me, I want something more. I want to be able to contribute to the learning of ALL of the children at my school - greedy eh?
    Anyhow I've told myself that even if I fail the course I am learning heaps, reading heaps, and trying new things to improve what I'm already doing - if I never make it as a t/l I'll still be a better teacher.

    I guess I keep going because, secretly I'm really being selfish - I'm not studying for the sake of anyone else but myself - enjoying the challenge to the old brain cells (whats left!)

    I think you're right too about the children's learning - they go through the same stress - trying to produce a product to please someone else. I'm sure they'd enjoy it more if they felt they were doing it for themselves, really getting something of value out of what they are Roy says - owning it!

    Thanks for the Hattie reference, too, boy did he write heaps!
    Best of luck with Ass. 2 Sue Carr :)
