Locate from http://ictnz.com/Inquiry%20Learning/inquirydefinition.htm
Bond (n.d.) defines inquiry learning as "an apporach that provides learners opportunities to develop skills that enable them to locate, gather, analyse, critique and apply inofrmation in a wide range of contexts as they develop understanding."
I loved the fact that he acknowledges that the actual definition of "Inquiry Learning" is difficult to pinpoint because there is a never ending array of research studies that provide valid evidence showing factors that influence inquiry learning and therefore its definition.
Evidence of Inquiry learning taking place include:
- Tchr direction moving towrd student driven experiences.
- Tchrs support students by scaffolding relevant skills.
- Students are actively engaged in learning experiences.
- Students are provided with opportunities to work both collaboratively and in individual contexts.
- Students share the information learned during the process RATHER than focusing on product.
- Students identidfy prior knowledge and use this as a basis for acquiring new knowledge to satisfy research needs.
- Students constantly review their learning and use these revelations to guide future planning and learning experiences.
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